Erb–Duchenne Palsy

Erb–Duchenne Palsy

Erb's palsy occurs when an infant experiences an injury to the brachial plexus, causing weakness or paralysis throughout the baby's arm.

Erb's Palsy Facts

An Erb’s palsy claim exists if a baby is born with Erb’s palsy during childbirth and delivery because of a doctor or obstetrician. Erb’s palsy primarily occurs when an infant’s neck is stretched to the side during a difficult delivery, resulting in this injury. However, this injury can occur in various other ways.

Many infants born with Erb’s Palsy will recover both movement and feeling in the affected arm. Newborns require physical therapy treatment and exercises to have a full recovery. Medical professionals, Early Interventionists, and parents play an active role in helping their child regain full function in the affected arm.

Data related to Erb's palsy:

  • One out of every 1,000 babies is born with Erb’s palsy.
  • Erb’s palsy may be the result of a baby delivered in the breech position. 
  • Newborns may be at risk if labor is prolonged and or if the baby is large for its size. 
  • Older children can receive surgery for their affected arm through a nerve graft, releasing thickened tissue around the joints and tendon transfer. About one in 10 children needs surgery to help improve the function of the arm.

Think You Have a Case?

If you believe that you or a loved one have an Erb's palsy case, contact Big Injury Law before you speak to an insurance company. Do not disclose information to an insurance adjuster before seeking legal help from a lawyer suitable to review your case.

Rest assured, by immediately connecting with Big Injury Law following a child care experience you will be protected from insurance adjusters or private investigators attempting to sabotage your case.

If you believe you have a case, contact us to set up a Free Case Evaluation. We will review the details of your case at no cost to you.

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Why Should I Choose Big Injury Law?

The Law Offices of Bradley S. Hames, P.C. has decades worth of experience handling cases just like yours. We have a reputation for being  zealous advocates for our clients and having the highest ethical standards. Defense attorneys are familiar with the focus and aggressive fight we bring to every trial and court appearance. We are here to fight for our clients. Read more about Bradley S. Hames here.

How Long Do I Have To File My Case?

Each state has its own statutes of limitations or time limits for filing lawsuits and other legal actions. Contact us immediately to make sure your case is filed in time.

What Can I Expect During My Case?

The Law Offices of Bradley S. Hames, P.C. will stand with and fight for you until your case is won and you get the compensation you deserve. We will keep you advised on the progress of your case every step of the way, and we will always answer your emails and calls immediately. Excellent client communication is a hallmark of our law firm.

How Do I Contact Big Injury Law?

We understand that this may be a difficult and confusing time for you, and we want to help the best way we can. If you have any other questions, or wish to reach out about a case, you can reach out by phone (212) 729-7520, email, or fill out the form on our contact page. Remember, your consultation with us is always FREE!

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